About Us

Our mission is simple, offer quality products that make our customers lives better through a positive message and empowerment at a reasonable price, while impacting those around us and ensuring a hassle-free shopping experience. This means that before we bring a product to market, we test it to ensure that it meets our high-level quality standards. Our customer service team understand our products and can answer most every product related question quickly and efficiently. We strive everyday to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations of quality and support! Should we ever fail to meet this expectation – contact us and we will make it right!

Our Value: We are proud of our product and accomplishments, but we typically don’t shout it from the rooftop. Instead, we prefer to let our product and customers do the talking. Our core values can be recognized in our product. The qualities we strive for include:

Philosophy: We design simple, sometimes funny, but always positively impactful, products for all in a variety of colors with fashion in mind. The thoughts of bold hearts and minds that some won't speak with words, we design the products that will say it for you!  We keep this in mind while motivating and building confidence through designs that are Faith Based, celebrate holidays & empowering. 
Quality: From design to final product, we strive for durable, comfortable. practical, & highly fashionable products that work.
Originality: Creativity and boldness are what makes our product unique.
Design: Our minimalist and bold design language focuses on functionality and fashion that is timeless.